Nice job cedars and nugget.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!
by cedars ini've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below....
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
Its on the Daily Mail Website!!!!!
by cantleave in
Mickey mouse
The rest of the UK media are slow on the uptake.
...My Vacation...
by OUTLAW in.
my vacation is over... .
............................ ...outlaw.
The Fastest Growing Religion in America IsÂ…
by Dogpatch inthe fastest growing religion in america is... .
may 4, 2012 9:11 amcomments (54)author: the american dream.
do you know what the fastest growing religion in america is?
Mickey mouse
SBF if your foot was dead it too could become a Mormon!
The UK media disgusts me
by cedars inwe're at least 48 hours into the aftermath of the groundbreaking candace conti verdict, and as i wake up this morning i notice the news wires in america are alive with the story.
almost every major news website is running the article.
i notice there is also talk of a tv interview being broadcast.. however, when i search uk websites for "candace conti" i get this.... .
Mickey mouse
Give it a few days, I'm sure they will catch on after the weekend.
by trailerfitter injust did some digging!
i found a document of declaration to the assest of the washtowel bt$ they have $30 million is cash and approx $1 billion in assets..... .
damned if i can paste an image of it though.... .
Mickey mouse
And that's just the NY corporation.
Alameda Court Award: Nothing Yet In The Mainstream Media?
by Room 215 inare they asleep at the switch, or are we?
Mickey mouse
I posted on other thread,,an ex-jw just emailed me that MSNBC is supposed to do interview with dear Ms. Candace today. Don't know time yet.
Any more news on this?
Greetings from Candace Conti
by AndersonsInfo incandace asked me to tell you thank you for all your kind expressions of support.
this really means a lot to her.
she wants you to know that she is coping well with all the stress and excitement, even though she's had years of anger and frustration because of being abused for so long, first by the molester, and then by the wt.
Mickey mouse
Thank you Candace.
Plaintiff awarded in punitive damages -21M & 1 dollar. Total award, 28M & 1 dollar. Here's more info
by AndersonsInfo inthe plaintiff, candace conti's goal from the very beginning was to bring enough attention to this problem to incentivize watchtower to change its policy of secrecy.
the award can be explained as it was decided: separate compensatory and punitive damages.
the punitive award is established in law to punish wrongdoing - here, the conscious disregard for others - and deter that conduct in the future.
The Watchtower Punished: Society loses legal battle over child abuse case
by cedars init's taken a while, but i've finally managed to put up an article on this remarkable court case.. a link to my article is below:.
i've tried very hard to make the article as factual as possible by reading and comparing the various documents available.
Mickey mouse
Great article.